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Gibraltar Commonwealth Park by Gibraltar Rock Tours


Commonwealth Park by Gibraltar Rock Tours

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#Gibraltar Apes #Quirky fact about Gibraltar #Gibraltar facts #Love Gibraltar #Day trips to Gibraltar #Commonwealth park #green grass



There is nothing quite like the smell of freshly cut grass! This of course is a real luxury in the small piece of the world which we call The Rock of Gibraltar.

A luxury that most Gibraltarians haven’t been able to enjoy in Gibraltar until quite recently. To be exact Thursday the 12th June 2014 was pretty much the first time, when The Commonwealth Park was inaugurated.

This is the first public park built since the Alameda was opened in 1816. It has been built to the south of King’s Bastion and the north of South Bastion and it provides this wonderful rare open and green space close to the city centre. It is beautifully bordered by the city walls and has a range of water features it certainly offers an oasis of calm from a hectic and busy city.

It’s a perfect place for a quiet evening stroll or just to sit and relax away from the traffic. If you are enjoying a daytrip to the Rock and want to just sit and relax for a bit then this is the Park for you. No rock apes but you are surrounded by nature.

The Commonwealth Park is a 9,000 sq. metres (97,000 sq. ft.) It’s what is called a modern urban park. It has been described as having “British character but with a distinct Mediterranean feel”.

Most of the soil required for planting trees and shrubs at the park was largely recycled from local waste building material and from the excavation of the site of the old Theatre Royal.

The Park houses over 140 trees, all of which are Mediterranean species or from areas with similar climatic conditions, and they have been imported from Italy.

The park was officially inaugurated and open to the public by the Honourable Chief Minister Fabian Picardo.

The area where the Park sits was formerly a carpark which itself was on the site of original Hockey and Tennis facilities for the MoD.

It is wonderful to see it has been transformed into a public space for both  locals and tourists alike to enjoy.

In this beautiful Gibraltar park you can find water fountains, paved pathways, an artificial lake, a bridge, sculptures, a contemporary  bandstand and grass lots and lots of grass.

Try and catch the gentleman whose task is to cut it in the mornings and enjoy the aroma!

It is now common to see parents with young children playing on the grass areas and some of the older ones even cooling themselves down in the fountains as it does get quite hot in the summer months. There are plenty of shaded areas though and now becoming a good spot for picnics and social gatherings.

 The summer weather was prefect for the Cinema under the stars… on evenings in the summer of 2015 which saw old family favourites shown and was a huge success. Other events also take place in the park like the recent World Environment Day (WED), which was marked on Monday 5th June this year. This event is the biggest, most globally celebrated day for positive environmental action.

World Environment Day is a chance to reconnect with nature and celebrate the places that matter most to you. So the Commonwealth park was the perfect setting for a day of information and activity organised by The Department of the Environment & Climate Change. Many schools attended and the event was supported by the Nautilis project, Alameda Gardens and Wildlife park amongst others.

Gibraltar Rock tours recommends you take a tour to see the wonderful sites and Views from the Top of the rock but if it’s grass you haven’t seen in a while and are craving pop by the commonwealth Park.

Thanks for reading.

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